United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Unity’s Christmas Post Office

Unity’s Christmas Post Office

Cards are a wonderful way to express our love and care for each other. What better way to show someone you care than sending a Christmas greeting through Unity’s own Christmas Post Office.

New Horizons Circlehas provided Unity’s Christmas Post Office for our Unity members. You will find the mailboxes in the hallway just outside the Narthex.


  • Address your cards with first and last names of your Unity friends
  • Place you Christmas cards to Unity members in the appropriate boxes.
  • Place the money you would have used for postage in one of the boxes on each end of the mailboxes
  • Check your box frequently to retrieve your mail, even if you didn’t send your greetings through Unity Christmas Post

The postage money will go into our Emergency Assistance Fund to use to help those in need.  If you write a check for your postage, please mark it “Unity Post”.  This will be tax deductible.

Unity’s Christmas Post Office will be open through January 5th.  Unclaimed cards will be available in the Narthex through January 12th, and then will be recycled.

Christmas Blessings to All!