UNITY WILL “BLANKET THE WORLD WITH LOVE” on Sunday, February 16th. Blanket Sunday is sponsored by Church World Service (CWS) to provide blankets around the world for those in need. A blanket is a simple item, but can do so much; a $10 donation will send a blanket to someone in need. Look for the Blanket Sunday envelopes in the pew or give online.
Details for how to give are listed below:
- ONLINE: Click here and select “Blankets +” from the list of available funds.
- MAIL A CHECK: Unity Presbyterian Church, PO Box 1267, Fort Mill SC 29716. Please write “CWS Blankets” in the memo line.
- DROP OFF YOUR OFFERING: You can drop off your offering to the “Blankets” fund by placing it in the Sunday offering plate or in the black mailbox in front of the Historic Sanctuary.