United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Adult Stewardship

Adult Stewardship

Dear Fellow Members and Friends, we are excited to enter our official Stewardship season at Unity. You will soon receive a Stewardship packet in the mail for your family, click here to view what to expect in this packet. All information is also available on the website, be sure to click here to see Stewardship information for all.

Stewardship Documents for Adults

Submitting Your Information



  • Click here to download instructions of how to submit your pledge online.

Thank you for taking the time to look through these materials. By indicating your commitment to Unity Presbyterian Church of your talents, time and treasure, you inform our Ministry chairpersons of the resources that will be available in the 2025 – 2026 program year. They will then be able to plan effectively to further the Mission of Unity that united through Christ’s love, we glorify God through worship, nurture and service to all people.

Mark your calendar for Commitment Sunday on March 30th, 2025.