United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Tuesday, April 6: Scripture – John 20:21

Tuesday, April 6: Scripture – John 20:21

21 Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”
Prayer Focus: Our need for the peace of the Lord, the shalom, the wholeness, the abiding presence of Christ in our lives, is so great that Jesus has to tell the disciples about it twice. Only as we rest in the peace of the Lord can we hear the word that we are sent by Christ into the world. We do not rush off on our own. Just as the Father sent Christ, so Christ now sends the disciples. Christ has sent you today to bring the same reconciliation, love, and justice that the Father sent Christ to bring. Pray that you might hear this call and respond, “Yes Lord, send me.”
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