United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

December 29, 2020

December 29, 2020

December 29, 2020
Matthew 2:7-9—Magi

“Then Herod called the Magi secretly …and said, ‘Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me…’”  Matthew 2:7-8a

The Christmas Magi were astrologers using their God-given brains, knowledge and wisdom to find their way to the manger.  Near the end of their trek, they encountered King Herod who tried to trick them into helping him eliminate this rival to his power by asking them to return from the manger and tell him where to find this child who was to become King of the Jews. They continued to follow the star to the manger and brought their gifts to the Christ child. Did they return to Herod? No! Being warned by God and using their brains again, they made the  decision to go home another way.

I believe that God gives us all a “brain” and expects us to use it wisely. Just as Herod tried to fool the Magi, we often encounter situations, people and opportunities that cause us to pause and make an important decision to go the way of the world or to “find our way to the manger” by using our brain. It could be a child who is wrongfully accused of something deciding to stand up to his older accuser, a teenager slipping out of the house feeling so guilty and miserable that she confesses to her parents, or older adults who are constantly bombarded with advertisements to sell their house for extra spending money or buy a car repair warranty. For me, the situation was a principal who told me in a meeting to discuss standardized testing, that “all the students would pass.” Did they? No, but that’s a nice dream!

Prayer: Father, on our way to the manger in the coming new year, please help us to remember to stop, think and use the brain You have given us to make life’s decisions.

Connie Flory