Worship Ministries
Acolyte Coordinators – Acolytes are worship leaders who carry in the light and light the candles at the beginning of worship and carry the light out at the end of the service. They also help in other worship leadership responsibilities during special services. Acolyte coordinators train and supervise all children fourth grade and up who would like to serve as acolytes.
Drama & Liturgical Dance – On occasion there may be a need for drama volunteers and liturgical dancers. Opportunities for drama volunteers may include participation in skits for worship, dramatic readings of scripture and helping or participating in larger endeavors like children’s musicals or pageants. Those with dance experience may be needed to work with the worship leaders and clergy to develop a liturgical dance that would be used in worship to enhance the scripture reading for the day, a Biblical story, or a musical selection.
Lay Leader in Worship – Adults, youth, and children assist in worship leadership for regular Sunday worship services and special services. A training class is offered for those who are interested in serving in this ministry. Lay leaders are scheduled to assist in worship on a rotating basis. The role may include reading scripture, Prayers of the People, Call to Worship, etc.
Seasonal Decorations – Set up, decorate, and pack up seasonal decorations for the sanctuary and in other areas throughout the church facilities, as appropriate for the season. Help is needed for setup and take down.
Greeter for Worship – Greeters serve on Sunday at either service, and are asked to arrive in time to warmly welcome those attending worship.
Offering Assistant/Communion Usher for Worship – Adults, youth and children (10+ years old or accompanied by a parent) are needed to collect offering during the 8:45 am or 11:00 am worship service throughout the year. Duties include helping the ushers to collect the offering. Offering Assistants are able to participate in the worship service except during the time the offering is received. Check in at the Deacon Desk in the Narthex on Sunday mornings before the worship service for details regarding your service.
Greeter/Usher for Funerals & Special Services – Greeters-Ushers are needed to warmly welcome and guide those attending funeral and other special services.
Parking Attendant for Special Services – Assist with directing parking for services or events where high attendance is anticipated.