Sanctuary Guild
Sanctuary Guild (Coordinator; Member) – Members of the guild prepare the Sanctuary for worship for each Sunday and for other services including weddings, funerals, and special services. Duties include changing the liturgical paraments, refilling the candles and acolyte tapers with oil, replacing advent candles, adjusting seating in the chancel, and setting up tables for the handbells. A coordinator organizes and manages this ministry.
Banners and Visual Artwork – This team provides help to the Worship & Music Ministries team through projects that involve visual artwork and fabric art. In the past, this team has worked on making choir robes and banners for worship.
Church Mice – Keep offering envelopes and Welcome Pads stocked, as well as pencils sharpened. Neaten sanctuary for church during the week prior to the Sunday service.
Communion Preparation Team – Volunteers prepare the communion elements for Sundays and special services when the Lord’s Supper is celebrated. Training is offered. Preparation occurs on the Saturday before Sunday communion. Preparation and clean-up continue before, between and after worship on communion Sundays and for special services.
Sanctuary Brass Cleaning & Buffing – Teams assist with the monthly cleaning and buffing of brass items in the sanctuary.
Sanctuary Flowers – Provide flowers in the sanctuary for Sunday worship. Members will be contacted by the Flower Coordinator when flowers are needed.