Hospitality & Evangelism Ministries
Hospitality & Evangelism Ministry Team – The Hospitality and Evangelism ministry seeks to welcome those whom God has called to Unity Presbyterian Church. We provide a ministry of welcome, evangelism, information and friendship. We help encourage new members to discover and share their spiritual gifts as they join into the life of Unity Presbyterian.
New Member Photography – This role involves taking pictures of new members as they join so that the pictures will be used in our online directory as well as on church bulletin boards to visually introduce and welcome our new members.
New Member Shepherd – Serve by introducing new members to the activities and opportunities available in our church. New Member Shepherds meet with prospective new members during Unity’s Connections Classes, and are a point of contact for information, friendship, and fellowship for the new member throughout the year. This important ministry helps new members meet other members of the congregation and learn about the church. Shepherds also meet with prospective new members to find out more about the new member and share information about the church.