United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.


Congregational Care Ministries

Congregational Care Ministries

Congregational Care Ministry Team – The members and staff of Unity Presbyterian Church are committed to providing love, care, and support to each other as we minister to those in need. Also, church events give opportunities for members to have fun and fellowship as they work to meet and know each other better. This team works to continue high-quality levels of caring within the church.

Bereavement Guild – The guild provides compassionate hospitality to families who have experienced a death. This group assists with set up, serving, and cleanup of either the receiving of friends or a family meal due to the death of a church family member.

Card/Note Ministry – This group writes notes to church members who are ill, bereaved or have other concerns, to let them know that their church family is thinking of them. Birthday cards are sent to members who are celebrating their 80th (or over) birthday. The notes and cards are in the church office for your use in this ministry. Volunteers will receive a letter of instruction and will be given a schedule for writing notes or cards.

Care Callers Team – The Care Callers Team is a telephone ministry that seeks to show care and concern through phone calls to members of our congregation who find themselves isolated because of COVID or other reasons. The callers reach out about once a month with a friendly phone call to let them know we’re thinking about them and to find out if they have any particular needs, concerns, etc.

Congregational Breakfast/Meals Team – This team coordinates the congregational breakfasts during the Sunday School hour as well as other congregational meals. Volunteers are needed to set up/clean up, prepare, and serve.

Cookie Bakers – This team provides home-baked cookies for the receiving of friends before or after a funeral at Unity or whenever cookies are needed.

Food Team – This is a 5 or 6 person team that provides a meal when there is a need within our church family, usually due to a death or illness in the family. Meals are also provided for families of newborns.

Grief Remembrance Team – This group offers condolences and support for Unity members after the death of a family member. We send sympathy cards, a follow-up card on the year anniversary and holiday cards. Volunteers will receive a letter of instruction and will be given a schedule for writing notes or cards.

Hospitality Corner Team – Volunteers are needed to prepare the Hospitality Corner in the Fellowship Hall for coffee and fellowship each week prior to Sunday morning. A member of the team will come in (Friday, Saturday or early Sunday morning) to tidy up the Hospitality Corner, refill the coffee supplies on the counter, fill the Keurig with water, and replenish the bottled waters so that the space is ready by 8:00am on Sunday morning.

Ice Cream Social Team (Make Churn of Home-made Ice Cream; Set up/Clean up) – This team organizes and prepares homemade ice cream and other frozen dessert for this yearly church-wide gathering, which occurs in August.

Kitchen Team – The Kitchen Team sets policy, procedures and scheduling of Unity’s kitchen. We also organize, monitor and maintain kitchen cabinets and storage areas in addition to monitoring supplies of paper products, cleaning supplies, etc. and replenish as needed. The team monitors and works with users to maintain kitchen cleanliness and coordinates with the church office staff regarding scheduling kitchen use.

Lunch Bunch Planning Team – Lunch Bunch is a fellowship group for adults who are free at midday. This group meets monthly for lunch, fellowship, interesting programs and an occasional trip or tour away from the church. Join the Planning Team for this group to work with others to provide meaningful ministries and activities for adults in our congregation.

Nursing Home/Homebound Visitation – This group calls or visits those confined to home or in an extended care facility. Volunteers visit quarterly.

Prayer Chain (Phone; Email) – Members of this team pray for others as needs arise.

Prayer Squares Team – This team knits or crochets prayer squares that are available to be shared with those in need.

Transportation Team – This team provides a ride to appointments, errands and Sunday services as needed.