United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.


Communications Ministries

Communications Ministries

Communications Ministry Team – Mission: To collaborate with church staff to enhance communications within the congregation as well as expand community awareness of Unity’s mission. The staff and Communications Ministry Team brainstorm, develop, and implement efforts involving the church website, broadcasting online, social media, audio and video, internal publications, bulletin boards, advertising, and other tools of communications. If you enjoy telling Unity’s story, join us.

General Audio Visual & Online Streaming – Volunteers will assist with our online church streaming, recording/streaming events, and any other general A/V needs.

Photography/Graphic Design – Volunteers will assist with photography, editing photos, print material, etc.

Marketing & Advertising – Volunteers will assist with ideas on how to advertise events happening at Unity across multiple channels including, but not limited to website, social media, email, etc.

Social Media Content Management – Volunteers will assist with adding and scheduling stories, content, posts, and activity to social media platforms.

Video/Multimedia Production – Volunteers will assist with producing short videos, animation, presentations, power point, and maintaining video boards.

Web Design & SEO – Volunteers will work with staff and Webmaster on ideas for improving the church website’s User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) and optimizing the quality and quantity of website traffic from search engines.