Missions: World Missions
Living Waters

Living Waters for the World (LWW), a mission resource of the Synod of Living Waters of the Presbyterian Church (USA), trains and equips mission teams to share the gift of clean, sustainable water with communities in need. LWW water treatment systems and related educational programs fill a critical niche in the world water crisis – communities with available but contaminated water.
Living Waters for the World Mission teams empower their partners to provide clean, sustainable water and health education for their communities. Living Waters for the World allows the churches and organizations to be directly involved in people’s lives in a tangible way; children are being saved from certain illness and deadly complications that come from dirty water. Living Waters for the World and its partners are sharing the water of life and sowing God’s word to those who thirst. Volunteers are needed to pray for this ministry, and support future mission trips.
Contact Information:
Dan Rogers: [email protected] or 864.245.3122
La Misión – Guatemala

La Misión was established in March 2009. Dr. Pedro (Tito) Palacios is the founder of La Misión and received his call to service in 2002. Over the years he has built a strong team of doctors, dentists, and a network of volunteers all with hearts ready and willing to serve the Lord and the Guatemalan people.
La Mision has five main areas of ministry. The mobile medical, dental, and optical clinics travel throughout Guatemala. Secondly, they partner with local churches to help encourage, equip, and disciple leaders who will impact many. The third area of ministry is in community construction. Here they have completed projects that built or renovated churches, schools, and other community buildings, etc. The fourth area of ministry is with education through scholarship programs to provide the necessary funding for school-aged children, young adults attending universities, or adults learning vocational trades. Finally, La Misión’s ministry includes providing nutrition to the malnourished, and agricultural and livestock programs to improve health through sustainable disease prevention and nutrition practices.
During their “clinic season” months, the La Misión staff and volunteer teams from the United States visit each of the clinical locations at least twice. Although a large part of the clinical service occurs during Clinic Season, the clinical team regularly visits each area throughout the year for follow‐up appointments and health care sessions as needed. La Mission hopes to continue to network and partner with people like you who have God inspired creative initiative to see the expansion of the Kingdom of God.
Contact Information:
Dan Rogers: [email protected] or 864.245.3122
Links: http://www.lamisionguatemala.org
Mission Trips

Unity Presbyterian Mission Trips take place every other year, to Honduras. Dori Hjalmarson hosts/guides mission trip participants, who assist with building projects.
Providence Presbytery sponsors adult mission trips each year. Members of Unity are encouraged to participate in Providence Presbytery’s mission efforts in Central America. This team also assists in planning, organizing and/or participating in Unity sponsored mission trips.

Unity Presbyterian Mission trips: A note from Tim Wheeler: The enthusiasm of churches involved in our mission focus has been uplifting. A school has been built and the children in the neighborhood are receiving classes there; two housing projects winded down and two new ones began. One of the villages where we work is on the border with Guatemala and presents special logistical challenges, but the people there are very interested in being organized in smaller groups in which they work together on each other’s house while learning the skills to do so. The passing on of knowledge in this process is an important part of the focus… Our mission is to come alongside and give an opportunity to others in all circumstances, and not to pick and choose who and when someone will benefit.
Providence Presbytery Mission Trips provide an opportunity for members of Providence Presbytery churches to come together in fellowship and service to others. Traditionally, the Presbytery offers two kinds of mission trips: International and Stateside. Anyone attending a Providence Presbytery church is welcome to join the group. Application information is available online with due date information.
Contact Information:
Joyce Sullivan: [email protected]
Blankets+ is a special mission opportunity for all ages. Some 8,000 congregations and groups across the U.S. hold CWS Blankets+ events, providing funds to help people in need around the world, including the U.S. For over 60 years, Church World Service has worked in partnership with local communities to identify their needs and access the resources they need to build the foundation for a more viable future, including:
- Blankets, tents, food and other emergency supplies in the wake of a disaster
- Tools and seeds for refugees returning home to replant their fields
- Wells for families living in drought prone areas to provide clean, safe water to drink and to irrigate crops and gardens
- Literacy training and microcredit for women struggling to realize their potential.
For more information about Blankets+, please contact Joyce Sullivan.
One Great Hour of Sharing
Since 1949 Presbyterians have joined with millions of other Christians through One Great Hour of Sharing to share God’s love with those in need. Your generous gifts assist those affected by natural disasters, provide food to the hungry, and assist in helping to empower the poor and oppressed.
For more information about One Great Hour of Sharing, please contact Joyce Sullivan.
Change for the Church
Unity’s annual Change for the Church Offering is received throughout the month of July. During this time, we encourage everyone to collect their household change and donate to Unity for the following missions: One-half of the offering will be used to provide school supplies for children in need in the Fort Mill School District through the Foundation for FM Schools’ Classroom Ready project. The other half of the offering will provide aid to those in Syria impacted by the ongoing Civil War. Funds will be sent through the Presbytery to the Presbyterian Church’s National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon. Since 2012, they have been providing food, supplies, and direct aid to families in need. Buckets will be placed in the Narthex during the month of July for you to bring your loose change, folding money, and checks. You may also give online to the Change for the Church fund or mail/drop off a check to the church office marked for the “Change for the Church” fund. Change for the Church also means casual dress for worship during the month of July.
Prayer Partnership – Alma El Chaab Presbyterian Church
Unity is a “support” church for the Alma El Chaab Presbyterian Church in South Lebanon. This is not as a financial support but it is prayer partnership. Our church (Unity) has become pen pals with Alma El Chaab with a strong focus being on praying for each other. We have been in communication with the Reverend Ameer Isaac and they are very enthusiastic about establishing this relationship. All ministries at Unity are involved in the communications with Alma El Chaab. We include prayers in support of the congregation of our partner. Their challenges are great in that they are a small community in a war torn area surrounded by Syria and Israel and we are sure one of their joys is that being in that region does not stop them from being Christians! This ministry is on point for this partnership and are available to assist as needed with the communication preparation as well as sending the communication.
Putting a Face on Syria: Hope Through Education

The Rock Hill Syria Working Group is a community group supported by several departments of Winthrop University, area church leaders, public educators, and concerned citizens in York County. Through contacts with organizations in Syria and Lebanon, we are aware of schools that are educating both internally displace and refugee Syrian children in Lebanon. Please join us in response to this crisis by making a donation to support the education of Syrian children. The Syrian Working group will co-sponsor the following events to raise community awareness about the historical, environmental, and cultural issues that have contributed to the current refugee crisis.
You can help a Syrian child today! A gift of $25 will help provide tuition and school supplies for ten days. The events below will raise money for this. You may also may contributions.
Questions: Providence Presbytery, 803-328-6269, Helen Guinness Global Committee, 803-366-7029.
Contributions: Write checks to: Providence Presbytery (note for “Syrian school children”) and mail to 515 Oakland Avenue, Rock Hill, SC 29730