Missions: Hunger
Nutrition Center
This program provides a hot meal and companionship to the elderly in our community who are in need. Volunteers are needed to help with the home-delivered meals on a weekly or substitute basis.
Questions? Contact York County Council on Aging at 803-327-6694.
Dimes for Hunger
Dimes for Hunger strives to meet the needs of the poor in our community and around the world. This annual Presbytery-Wide program often kicks off in the fall and continues through the spring as members of our churches generously deposit a dime into their Dimes for Hunger bank each time they eat a meal and raises money for hunger programs in Honduras, Guatemala, and in our 5-county presbytery. With the needs in our community greater than at any other time since the Great Depression, the Presbyterian Churches of Chester, Kershaw, Lancaster, Union, and York Counties stand ready to share what we are able. Questions? Contact Joan Boardman.
Crop Walk
Each November, Unity participates in the CROP Hunger Walk in Rock Hill, sponsored by Church World Service to raise funds to end hunger at home and around the world. Twenty five percent of the funds raised stay locally to fund hunger-fighting programs in our community. With a large number of walkers and fundraisers, Unity is consistently seeking to further our impact in the fight to end hunger. Questions? Contact Joyce Sullivan.
Second Harvest
Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina strives through education, advocacy, and partnerships to eliminate hunger by the solicitation and distribution of food. The local affiliate is called Second Harvest Partners, which is comprised of nearly 30 congregations in York and Lancaster Counties.
On workdays, Unity provides volunteers to greet guests, assist with registration, unload and unpack food as well as help guests load food into their vehicles and ensure they have the items that they need.
Questions? Contact Jim Boyd for more information.
Fort Mill Care Center
The Care Center is open MWF from 9-noon, and they are receiving donated items during their regular hours.
Current needs include: peanut butter, jelly, grits, pancake mix, boxed mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy, pie crust mix, pie fillings including pumpkin, and evaporated milk.
Donations can be made in the following ways:
- Direct delivery to the Care Center at 2760 Old Nation Road, Fort Mill
- Mail or direct ship from Amazon to PO Box 1401, Fort Mill, SC 29716-1401
- Collect items in your neighborhood and deliver them to the Care Center
Please have the Care Center weigh your total donation and send the weight to Larry Terrell at [email protected]. For more information about the Fort Mill Care Center, click here.
Sharing God’s Bounty
Each October, Unity does an annual non-perishable food drive, God’s Bounty, benefiting the Fort Mill Care Center. The items collected go to further the mission of the care center and provide citizens of Fort Mill with necessities.