Sunday School

Middle School
6th to 8th grade
10 AM to 10:45 AM
M106 – Youth Wing
Middle school youth participate in a dedicated group where we delve into Bible Study, centering our exploration on uncovering the parallels between ourselves and our faith ancestors from both the Old and New Testaments. We engage with the Collaborate and Reform Ancestors curriculum, fostering a deeper understanding of our shared journey.

High School
9th to 12th grade
10 AM to 10:45 AM M108 – Youth Wing
This group provides an opportunity for high schoolers to engage in discussions about various topics relevant to our Christian lives. We’ll explore strategies for navigating challenging situations, examine current events in our world and consider how we, as Christians, can offer thoughtful responses.
Sunday Nights

Middle School Youth Group
6th to 8th grade
4 PM to 5 PM
M108 – Youth Wing
Youth Group is a time each week for us to gather together for fun and fellowship. We will have a time for small group “talks” where we discuss different topics that pertain to our lives as Christians and as to the lives of youth. We also play games that tie into the talk or just be a fun and goofy game!

High School Youth Group
9th to 12th grade
5:15 PM to 6:15 PM M108 – Youth Wing
Youth Group is a time each week for us to gather together for fun and fellowship. We will have a time for small group “talks” where we discuss different topics that pertain to our lives as Christians and as to the lives of youth. We also play games that tie into the talk or just be a fun and goofy game!