United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.


Vacation Bible School

VBS & Mission Camp

June 9-12, ages 4 – Completed 3rd Grade (VBS), Completed 4th and 5th Grades (Mission Camp)

Registration opens March 10th for Unity families, grandchildren of Unity members, and Unity Preschool families. Registration opens to the public on March 24th and will close on April 3rd or when filled, if before then.

This year’s theme is Road Trip: On the Go With God. Based on Joshua 1:9, “The Lord your God is with you wherever you go,” we will discover that God’s presence is always near, no matter where the journey of life takes us. All children who will be 4 by August 31st, 2025 through Rising 4th grade are invited to join us on this exciting journey as we discover new places, new friends, and ways that we can discover God’s goodness and presence everywhere.  Rising 5th and 6th grades are invited to Mission Camp at VBS, a fun-filled week of exploring the VBS Bible stories and seeing how those stories send us out to serve each day in our Fort Mill Community.

Hop on the path to making our Road Trip VBS a success this June. It takes a village to host an exciting and engaging Bible School each summer for the children of our church and community. Won’t you join the fun? Click here for a list of volunteer roles we need help filling to put on another wonderful week of Vacation Bible School!

Have questions? Email Kathryn McGregor at [email protected]