JANUARY 26 – MARCH 2, 2025
Beginning the week of January 26th, these 6 week small groups will meet once weekly on the day and time listed to discuss our All-Church Read, Hope: A User’s Manual by MaryAnn McKibben Dana. Mark your calendars now for Sunday, March 2 as Rev. McKibben Dana will be with us in person to preach at both services and to lead a Q&A session with participants during the 10:00 hour.
Purchase the book from your favorite bookseller and register on REALM to join one of the small groups for a 6 week study of this book.
Use the drop down box in REALM to choose from one of the following small groups:
Small Group #1 – Sundays, January 26, February 2, 9, 16, 23, March 2 @ 10:00 am in room M204
Facilitator: Molly Spangler, facilitator
Small Group #2 – Sundays, January 26, February 2, 9, 16, 23, March 2 @ 5:00 pm in room M201
Facilitator: Elizabeth Smith
Small Group #3 – Tuesdays, January 28, February 4,11,18,25, March 4 @ 7:00 pm in room M201
Facilitator: Liz Corsig
Small Group #4 – Wednesdays, January 29, February 5,12,19,26, March 5 @ 2:00 pm in room M201
Facilitator: Matt Rich
Small Group #5 – Wednesdays, January 29, February 5,12,19,26, March 5 @ 2:00 pm – At the home of Ann Spitzer (2027 Links View Drive, Indian Land, SC 29707), limited to those living in Sun City.
Small Group #6 – Thursdays, January 30, February 6, 13, 20,27, March 6 @ 2:00 pm in room M201
Facilitator: Dannie Vaughn

Have you ever had a question Sunday afternoon about the morning’s sermon? Felt like you wanted to dig a little deeper into the scripture? Maybe even thought the preacher missed the main point altogether? The best sermons should be the beginning of a conversation about the gospel, so Dr. Rich wants to give you a chance to “talk back” each week. Come just once or every week with your questions, your thoughts, and a cup of coffee for conversation about and study of Sunday’s sermon and scripture texts. No registration is necessary. Drop-in any week.
Facilitator: Rev. Dr. Matt Rich – [email protected]
Meets: Mondays at 9:30 AM in Room M201 (Hospitality Room)

Messy Motherhood now has two groups of moms with young children who meet on Zoom on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings from 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. for 6 weeks at a time throughout the year to read and discuss a book. Recent topics have included Bible study, sharing faith with children, prayer, and spiritual practices. At the end of each study, we meet at a local restaurant for a Dutch treat meal and fellowship. Both groups will be using Hope: A User’s Manual, our All-Church Read, beginning the week of January 26. Contact Kathryn McGregor at [email protected] for more information and to access the Zoom link.

Study: Revelation
The Wednesday Morning Bible Study group is studying the book of Revelation this year. This group engages in lively discussions as we explore each book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse. Everyone is welcomed to join in as we read and study God’s words for us. If you have questions, please contact Susan Palmer ([email protected]).
Meets: Wednesdays, September – May at 10:00 a.m. in Room M312