
Men’s Ministry
The mission of our Men’s Ministry is to provide opportunities for spiritual growth through faith, fellowship, and friendship. All Men of Unity and their guests/friends are invited to a breakfast at 8:00 am on the second Tuesday of each month to enjoy a delicious hot breakfast prepared by volunteers, have a devotional and plan participation in service projects.
This ministry team uses their time and talents to serve the congregation and our community by:
- Workdays on the Unity campus to complete special small projects
- Habitat for Humanity workdays
- Second Harvest Food Bank food distribution
- Providing school supplies to children through Classroom Ready
- Providing bicycles for the Angel Tree Christmas project
- Cooking, preparing, and serving lunch for the Presbyterian’ Women’s annual Mother Daughter Sister Friend luncheon
We have a unique ministry called ToY (Thinking of You) in which we bake cookies and deliver them to men who are not able to come to attend church. The Men’s ministry also sponsors the monthly collection of peanut butter, jelly, and toiletries for the Fort Mill Care Center.
Need more info?
Contact Steve Hardy at [email protected]