United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Reserve Your Caterpillar for the Easter Butterfly Release

Reserve Your Caterpillar for the Easter Butterfly Release

Please click here to reserve your caterpillar now so you can be a part of Unity’s Easter Sunday butterfly release. Orders will be taken through March 17th. Caterpillar pick up date will be the week of March 24th and will be communicated to all who reserve one once the church order for caterpillars has been placed. For each caterpillar ordered, you’ll be given a cup with your caterpillar and everything the caterpillar needs to eat and make its chrysalis. You will need to purchase or make a butterfly house for when the chrysalis opens and your butterfly appears as well as fruit slices to feed your butterfly for a few days until Easter Sunday when we will bring them to church and release them at the end of the 8:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Easter worship services, weather permitting. Questions? Contact Kathryn McGregor at [email protected]

Click here for instructions on how to care for your caterpillar.