United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Special Offering

ON SUNDAY, JULY 14th, we will collect our CHANGE FOR THE CHURCH OFFERINGDuring this time we encourage everyone to collect their household change and donate to Unity for the following missions: 

One-half of the Change for the Church offering will be used to provide school supplies for children in need in the Fort Mill School District through the Foundation for Fort Mill Schools’ Classroom Ready project. 

The other half of the offering will provide funds to the Children’s Nutrition Program (CNP) in Haiti.  This aid is coordinated by Children’s Medical Missions of Haiti. This program has been one of Unity’s Mission and Outreach partners for a long time.

Details for how to give are listed below:

  • Click here to give online, select the “Change for Church” fund from the list of available funds.
  • Buckets will be placed in the Narthex of the Sanctuary during the month of July for you to bring your loose change, folding money and checks for this annual Change for the Church offering.
  • If you would prefer to mail a check, please make check payable to Unity Presbyterian Church and write “Change for Church” in the memo line.
  • You can also drop off your offering to the “Change for Church” fund by placing it in the black mailbox in front of the Historic Sanctuary (no glass containers please).