United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Special Offering

UNITY WILL “BLANKET THE WORLD WITH LOVE” on Sunday, February 16th. Blanket Sunday is sponsored by Church World Service (CWS) to provide blankets around the world for those in need. A blanket is a simple item, but can do so much; a $10 donation will send a blanket to someone in need. Look for the Blanket Sunday envelopes in the pew or give online.

Details for how to give are listed below:

  • ONLINE: Click here and select “Blankets +” from the list of available funds.
  • MAIL A CHECK: Unity Presbyterian Church, PO Box 1267, Fort Mill SC 29716. Please write “CWS Blankets” in the memo line.
  • DROP OFF YOUR OFFERING: You can drop off your offering to the “Blankets” fund by placing it in the Sunday offering plate or in the black mailbox in front of the Historic Sanctuary.