Many members of our congregation have developed a tradition of giving a financial gift to Unity in memory or in honor of loved ones at Easter. If you would like to make such an offering, please complete the online form below or download here and return it to the church office. Payment instructions regarding your Memorial/Honorarium gift are listed below. If you need additional assistance, contact Anissa Lee ([email protected]) in the church office.
The deadline for receipt of these gifts is March 30th. The gifts will be listed in a booklet which will be available in the Narthex on April 13th.
If you prefer to download a paper form click here and send in your completed form along with your donation as follows:
- ONLINE: Click here to make your gift online.
- MAIL A CHECK (with completed form): Unity Presbyterian Church, PO Box 1267, Fort Mill SC 29716. Please write “Easter Memorials/Honorarium” in the memo line.
- DROP OFF YOUR MEMORIAL/HONORARIUM (with completed form) in the offering plate or in the black mailbox in front of the Historic Sanctuary.