United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Daily Devotions

  • Sunday, June 4:

    Sunday, June 4: This morning, I invited you to go to a place that feels the most peaceful for you.  For me, it is my front porch; where I can hear the birds sing and hear the wind the trees.  For you, it might be your favorite cozy chair, or a quiet spot in your…

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  • Saturday, June 3:

    Saturday, June 3: This is a prayer to pray around your table today: “God, awaken us to the everyday miracle of a simple meal. Whether it is takeout that took a phone call, or a recipe that took an entire afternoon, or the cereal-for-dinner-again feeling this meal creates, bless it all. So blessed are we,…

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  • Friday, June 2:

    Friday, June 2: Today I am asking us all to go outside to share this blessing.  Take your shoes off, feel the grass or dirt under your toes.  Take a moment and breathe in the fresh air.  And as you do, share this blessing for the trees: “Blessed by the trees swaying in the breeze…

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  • Thursday, June 1:

    Thursday, June 1: Today, I encourage you to read this blessing to yourself while you are at work…whatever your work might be for today. “Blessed are we who remember who we are not our job titles or paychecks or 401(k)s, but we are being called, whether we like it or not, to something greater than…

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  • Wednesday, May 31:

    Wednesday, May 31: Today, as you step out of your front door, and hope into your car, I invite you to pray in your car, perhaps even while you are driving (with your eyes open of course).  Wherever it is that you are headed.  Pray as you go.  (I’m not writing this one for you…because…

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  • Tuesday, May 30:

    Tuesday, May 30: Today, find a door to pray at.  We enter and exit so many doors throughout our days, we don’t stop to think about that space of transition.  So pray at the door today.  It could be the door to your home, or your child’s school, or even your office, or the doorway…

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  • Monday, May 29:

    Monday, May 29: Often we think of prayer as something we can only do at church.  But 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says, “pray without ceasing,” meaning, we are meant to pray wherever we are.  This week we are going to be intentional about praying in difference spaces we find ourselves throughout our days. Today, I encourage…

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  • Sunday, May 28: Scripture – Numbers 11:29-30

    Sunday, May 28: Scripture – Numbers 11:29-30 29 But Moses said to him, “Are you jealous for my sake? Would that all the Lord’s people were prophets and that the Lord would put his spirit on them!” 30 And Moses and the elders of Israel returned to the camp.  Prayer Focus: Moses is not worried…

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  • Saturday, May 27: Scripture – Numbers 11:27-28

    Saturday, May 27: Scripture – Numbers 11:27-28 27 And a young man ran and told Moses, “Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp.” 28 And Joshua son of Nun, the assistant of Moses, one of his chosen men, said, “My lord Moses, stop them!”   Prayer Focus: The report about Eldad and Medad prophesying…

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  • Friday, May 26: Scripture – Numbers 11:26

    Friday, May 26: Scripture – Numbers 11:26 26 Two men remained in the camp, one named Eldad and the other named Medad, and the spirit rested on them; they were among those registered, but they had not gone out to the tent, so they prophesied in the camp.   Prayer Focus: Two of the seventy…

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