United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Wednesday, May 31:

Wednesday, May 31:

Wednesday, May 31:

Today, as you step out of your front door, and hope into your car, I invite you to pray in your car, perhaps even while you are driving (with your eyes open of course).  Wherever it is that you are headed.  Pray as you go.  (I’m not writing this one for you…because I am confident you can find the words that are on your heart.  Plus, you really shouldn’t read and drive!).  As I drive away from my home this morning, I am thanking God for my home, and asking to return home to it at the end of the day.  As I drop off my kids, I am asking for their safety and well-being while we are away from each other.  As I arrive at work, I am asking God to be with me in all that I do today.

What do you pray for in your car today?

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