United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Wednesday, March 9: Scripture – 1 John 2:7-11

Wednesday, March 9: Scripture – 1 John 2:7-11

Wednesday, March 9: Scripture – 1 John 2:7-11

7 Beloved, I am writing you no new commandment, but an old commandment that you have had from the beginning; the old commandment is the word that you have heard.

8 Yet I am writing you a new commandment that is true in him and in you, because the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining.

9 Whoever says, “I am in the light,” while hating a brother or sister, is still in the darkness.

10 Whoever loves a brother or sister lives in the light, and in such a person there is no cause for stumbling.

11 But whoever hates another believer is in the darkness, walks in the darkness, and does not know the way to go, because the darkness has brought on blindness.

Prayer Focus: Darkness has brought on blindness. Have you ever stumbled through your house at night with all the lights off? When this happens to me, I always run into something. And even more, it is something that I know exactly where it is in the house and can see quite clearly when it is day or when the lights are on. But in the darkness, I cannot see it at all. Hating someone else – a believer or not – has the same effect on us. It plunges us into a blindness that prevents us from seeing anything else. Even the most familiar things become obstacles. Pray that you might be free of hate today so that you might walk in the light.

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