United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Wednesday, June 23: Scripture – Isaiah 52:3-5

Wednesday, June 23: Scripture – Isaiah 52:3-5

3 For thus says the Lord: You were sold for nothing, and you shall be redeemed without money.

4 For thus says the Lord God: Long ago, my people went down into Egypt to reside there as aliens; the Assyrian, too, has oppressed them without cause.

5 Now therefore what am I doing here, says the Lord, seeing that my people are taken away without cause? Their rulers howl, says the Lord, and continually, all day long, my name is despised.

Prayer Focus: What am I doing here? God is asking that question through the prophet in this text. God declares that his people have been sold for nothing, they resided in Egypt as aliens and they were oppressed by the Assyrians. Now the people were taken into exile in Babylon. It appears as if God can do nothing for these people. Do you ever feel like that? That God cannot help you in the midst of your trouble? Hold on because God knows exactly what to do next.

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