United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Wednesday, June 14

Wednesday, June 14

Wednesday, June 14

I depend on you,
and I have trusted you
since I was young.
I have relied on you
from the day I was born.
You brought me safely
through birth,
and I always praise you.

Psalm 71:4-6 (CEV)

“Children can teach us to trust God with the outcome of every situation in our lives.”1 There are two parts to this sentence that I don’t want you to miss. They know they can trust God. They are absolutely sure! And this applies to everything, the good, bad and the ugly. They maintain that same trust, even in difficult situations. Remember those breath prayers from last week? Try this one now and whenever you experience challenges in your life:

Breathe in slowly and deeply as you whisper or think: “Trustworthy God…”

Hold your breath and your consciousness of God’s presence…

And then exhale as you whisper or think: “…I depend on you.”

1Cloyd, Betty Shannon. Children and Prayer. Upper Room Books, 1997.

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