United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Tuesday, October 8th – Scripture: The Message Translation – Job 38:2

Tuesday, October 8th – Scripture: The Message Translation – Job 38:2

2 He said: “Why do you confuse the issue?  Why do you talk without knowing what you’re talking about? 

Prayer Focus: How often do we speak about things we know nothing about?  There is a great temptation to “know it all.”  Why do we want to know it all?  Maybe Job’s issue, and our struggle with Job’s situation, is not the lack of a straight answer from God…maybe the problem is in the question itself.  We spend so much time asking ‘why,’ but the answer to ‘why’ may never come.  Instead of asking “why God?” we might ask, “where is God?” because then we would realize whether we ever know why or not, we know where God is.  God is right by our side.  Pray that as we navigate the challenges of this life, that we might all remember God is present with us through it all. 

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