United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Tuesday, October 29th: Scripture – Psalm 24:2

Tuesday, October 29th: Scripture – Psalm 24:2

2 for God has founded it on the seas

    and established it on the rivers.

Prayer Focus: These opening verses of Psalm 24 provide the briefest account of creation. Everything and everyone belongs to God and God acts to bring order to creation. God founded the earth on the seas. God established the earth on the rivers. The Hebrew people believed that in creation, God had formed earth and placed it upon the waters below the earth. We might have a different vision of how creation came into being, but the most important affirmation for us today is that God did it. God created, called forth, and founded the world. As you pray, give thanks for God’s care of creation and pray that we might work together to care for it.

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