4 And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what concern is that to me and to you? My hour has not yet come.” 5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”
Prayer Focus: When reading this pithy reply from Jesus, I can’t help but envision the exasperated eye roll of a teenager in response to their mother’s nagging. And yet, Jesus asserts that it is “not yet” time for him to reveal God’s glory, reflecting this gospel’s characteristic concern with the timing of Jesus’s miracles. Jesus does not act in accordance with the timeline of others. Instead, he is subject to God alone. It is human nature to demand that God operate under our conditions and timelines. We crave answers to our prayers and tangible proof of God’s goodness and power. John’s gospel consistently reminds us that Christ is not of this world but is from “above.” Christ is not subject to the timelines and demands of our world. Today, let us pray that in our longing and impatience, we may loosen our grip on our desire for control. May we take a deep breath and allow God to be who God will be.
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