United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Thursday, July 20: Serve

Thursday, July 20: Serve

Thursday, July 20: Serve

“And serve each other according to the gift each person has received, as good managers of God’s diverse gifts.” -1 Peter 4:10

Consider: In the early church, (from the Acts of the apostles to about 400CE), the posture of the missionary was that of a servant. The apostles and earliest Christians traveled to distant lands from a position of weakness and vulnerability to learn from and support the people they met along the way. This model directly mirrored Jesus’ paradigm of ministry.

Reflect: In the church today, does our model of mission still align with the image of a servant? Why or why not? How do you understand the act of serving? What is challenging about mission and service in today’s world?

Pray: Holy God, thank you for sending Jesus to show us how to be a servant in the world. Help us to follow his example, help me to serve your people faithfully. Amen.

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