United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Thursday, August 5: Scripture – Jeremiah 33:19-21

Thursday, August 5: Scripture – Jeremiah 33:19-21

19 The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah:

20 Thus says the Lord: If any of you could break my covenant with the day and my covenant with the night, so that day and night would not come at their appointed time,

21 only then could my covenant with my servant David be broken, so that he would not have a son to reign on his throne, and my covenant with my ministers the Levites.

Prayer Focus: The promise of a descendant for David and priests in the temple is to be as certain as the coming of morning and night. God builds repeatable patterns into the very creation itself to provide order and structure to our life. Pray that you might embrace the patterns of life today. May they bring you comfort and good hope!

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