United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Sunday, October 31: Scripture – For All the Saints

Sunday, October 31: Scripture – For All the Saints

Sunday, October 31: Scripture – For All the Saints


Prayer Focus: As we gather to worship and celebrate our All Saints’ service, the one hymn that just seems like it must be sung is, “For All the Saints.” As you are drawn into this marvelous hymn today, give thanks for the saints in your life – both those living and those who now join their voices in praise eternally. They have shown us the path of faithful discipleship and have given us inspiration for our own lives of faith. Pray that you might be that kind of saint for the generations who follow us today in the faith.

Remember – for the first time since the pandemic began, we will have significant congregational singing today. To do so as safely as possible, masks will be required this week.

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