United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Sunday, November 6, by Margaret Monroe

Sunday, November 6, by Margaret Monroe

Sunday, November 6, by Margaret Monroe

Hymn: Rejoice in God’s Saints


Prayer Focus: “Rejoice in God’s Saints” was written in 1973 by Fred Pratt Green, one of the twentieth century’s best and most prolific hymn writers. Eleven of his hymns are in our hymnal! “Rejoice in God’s Saints” differs from many other hymns about the saints. Instead of singing about a great heavenly cloud of witnesses, we sing about earthly saints and how they interact with the world. In the first three verses, Green gives us three ways saints on earth impact our lives – by teaching and setting an example, by fighting for justice, and through acts of compassion. Think of the saints in your life, either now or in the past. Who taught you about God and how to praise? Who is fighting for justice on behalf of the voiceless? Who will share your complaining, comforts, and cares?  And how might we do the same for those we encounter?

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