United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Saturday, February 27: Scripture – John 15:9-10

Saturday, February 27: Scripture – John 15:9-10

9 As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love. 10 If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love.
Prayer Focus: Keeping Christ’s commandments allows us to abide in Christ’s love. We don’t just abide with Christ and Christ doesn’t abide with us. We abide in Christ’s love, just as Christ abides in the Father’s love. Take time today to reflect about what it is like to abide in love. To rest secure in the Father’s love for us. To live out of that love through obedience to Christ’s commands. Pray that you might rest and abide in love today.
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