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through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Monday, September 2nd: Scripture – Isaiah 35:1-2

Monday, September 2nd: Scripture – Isaiah 35:1-2

1 The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad;

    the desert shall rejoice and blossom;

like the crocus 2 it shall blossom abundantly

    and rejoice with joy and shouting.

The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it,

    the majesty of Carmel and Sharon.

They shall see the glory of the Lord,

    the majesty of our God.

Prayer Focus: This week we return to the Old Testament with a chapter from the Prophet Isaiah. Often these verses are read during Advent or Christmas, so perhaps reading and reflecting on them at the beginning of September will help us encounter this text with fresh ears to hear God’s word to us today. It’s not often that we think about the desert rejoicing, but Isaiah repeats the image twice. The second time even includes the desert rejoicing with joy and shouting. Can you hear creation rejoicing and bearing witness to the glory of the Lord? Pray that you might have ears to hear today.

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