United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Monday, October 7th – Scripture: The Message Translation – Job 38:1

Monday, October 7th – Scripture: The Message Translation – Job 38:1

1 And now, finally, God answered Job from the eye of a violent storm. 

Prayer Focus: Job has lost everything.  He lost his family, his business, his home, everything that he held dear.  For over 29 chapters leading up to this encounter with God, Job pours out his grief and pain.  He yells, and cries, and seeks advice from his friends, but to no conclusion or resolution.  He cries out, until finally, here in chapter 38, out of a violent storm, God answers him.  Can you recall a moment in your life when you were waiting to hear God speaking?  What did it feel like?  Pray today for everyone who might be in the difficult place of suffering and waiting for God to answer prayers. 

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