United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Monday, March 10th: Scripture – Psalm 122:1-2

Monday, March 10th: Scripture – Psalm 122:1-2

1 I was glad when they said to me,
    “Let us go to the house of the Lord!”

2 Our feet are standing
    within your gates, O Jerusalem.

Prayer Focus: Can we sing this song and pray this prayer on a Monday? We go to the house of the Lord on Sunday right? Remember that pilgrims sang and prayed this psalm on their journey toward Jerusalem, not merely once they arrived. It expresses a longing for gathering together in the house of the Lord. As we lift up our eyes to see God today, take time in your prayers to name what you most look forward to when you are able to return to Unity again.

“An excellent way to test people’s values is to observe what we do when we don’t have to do anything, how we spend our leisure time, how we spend our extra money.” Peterson, 44.

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