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Monday, February 8: Scripture – Mark 9:2a

Monday, February 8: Scripture – Mark 9:2a

2 Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain apart, by themselves.

Prayer Focus: This is the last week before the Season of Lent begins and each year at this time the lectionary brings us Transfiguration Sunday. Six days after talking with his disciples about who is the greatest and what it really means to be the Messiah, Jesus takes Peter and James and John by themselves on a mountain climb. I wonder what these three disciples were feeling and thinking? Maybe “Jesus loves everybody, but he loves us best?” Maybe they just put their head down and climbed each step of the mountain in silence. Either way, Jesus had chosen them for something special. Pray that you might hear Christ call to you today, for there is something special that he intends just for you today.