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through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

December 8, 2020

December 8, 2020

December 8, 2020
Luke 1:34-35—Mary

“Mary asked the Angel, ‘How can this be since I am a virgin?’ The angel replied to her, ‘the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called Son of God.’” Luke 1:34-35

As Mary left the angel, she held tight to the joy she felt, thinking of the baby the Lord had given her. She got a glimpse in her mind that the birth would be unusual, maybe even in a manger. In that manger she would hold Jesus tight, knowing they were safe, for God would be with them.

At the birth of my son, I felt the call from the Lord to accept Him and raise my son as a Christian. I was soon baptized. The church I joined did not have Youth Leaders. I set up a program that if the teens came for Bible Trivia one week the following week, they got to go bowling for free.

One Sunday two women were speaking behind me. I heard that “I was trying to take over the church.” I got up and left. I was so hurt to hear them. That morning I did not see Jesus in those ladies and I also did not act like Jesus!

It took a long time for me to return to another church. I am thankful for the Grace of God who accepted me back as a Child of God! God never left me, even in my times of uncertainty.

Prayer: Dear Father, just as Mary knew your call, help us to know when you call us and to accept it, even if it seems impossible! Amen

Brenda Mullis