United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Monday, July 1st: Scripture – Lamentations 3:1-6

Monday, July 1st: Scripture – Lamentations 3:1-6

1 I am one who has seen affliction

    under the rod of God’s wrath;

2 he has driven and brought me

    into darkness without any light;

3 against me alone he turns his hand,

    again and again, all day long.

4 He has made my flesh and my skin waste away;

    he has broken my bones;

5 he has besieged and enveloped me

    with bitterness and tribulation;

6 he has made me sit in darkness

    like the dead of long ago.

Prayer Focus: Our hymn for this week is “Great is Thy Faithfulness” and our daily devotions follow verses from the third chapter of Lamentations. Lamentations is not the most popular book for preaching and teaching. I’m not sure that I’ve ever written devotions for a passage from Lamentations before. Sometimes known as the Lamentations of Jeremiah, the book consists of five poems in response to the siege and fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians in 587 BCE. Many of the verses we will read this week assume a very personal character of lament from “one who has seen affliction.” Pray as you enter this week for the afflictions you have seen and for those who regularly see affliction in their daily life.

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