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Saturday, December 16, 2023: Luke 1: 26-31—Mothers of the Faith

Saturday, December 16, 2023: Luke 1: 26-31—Mothers of the Faith

“The angel went to her and said, ‘Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.’ Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be.”
Luke 1:28-29 (NIV)

When I was 18 years old, I was diagnosed with a condition that many specialists confirmed would take away my chance at having children. At the time, I was a freshman in college, and this didn’t seem like anything I would need to deal with anytime soon. Fast forward 2 years when I met my now husband. When we started having serious conversations about the future, this became a big topic. We both believed that if this was God’s plan for us, we knew we would still have a beautiful life together. Well, if you know my family, then you know that we have 4 daughters – surprise! We were married in 2003 and by 2011 we had 4 girls under the age of 5. There were many complications along the way as well as loss. This was not the life I had been led to believe I would have.

I am not comparing myself to Mary, but I can speak a little about the faith of a person who has been “troubled” by the words of others, mainly physicians in my case.  One thing I have learned on my adventure through motherhood is that none of it happens without faith. Faith that God is holding my hand every step of the way, even when the path seems impossible. Faith that remembers that God calls each of us on our own unique journey with Him. Faith that provides me with courage when the road I am on takes an unexpected turn. Faith that reminds me that God is the ultimate physician and comforter and leader and truly all things are only done through Him. As I read the words of Mary and Gabriel, I am always reminded that nothing and no one on earth can undo what God has ordained.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father – remind us, as we wait for the coming of your Son, that only you know what lies ahead. Lift our eyes and hearts to you in all that we do until that day your son arrives again. Amen

Jennifer Brindisi