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Wednesday, December 13, 2023: Joshua 6:22-25—Mothers of the Faith

Wednesday, December 13, 2023: Joshua 6:22-25—Mothers of the Faith

“Joshua ordered the two men who had spied out the land, ‘Enter the house of the harlot and rescue the woman and everyone connected with her, just as you promised her.’ So the young spies went in and brought out Rahab, her father, mother, and brothers—everyone connected with her. They got the whole family out and gave them a place outside the camp of Israel. But they burned down the city and everything in it, except for the gold and silver and the bronze and iron vessels—all that they put in the treasury of God’s house.

But Joshua let Rahab the harlot live—Rahab and her father’s household and everyone connected to her. She is still alive and well in Israel because she hid the agents whom Joshua sent to spy out Jericho.”   Joshua 6:22-25 (The Message)

In this story, Joshua sends the men to go into Jericho and bring out Rahab (harlot, prostitute) and her whole family. He emphasizes, as you promised her. Other translations use vow or oath. This passage stood out to me. You promised, you must deliver. Rahab hid the spies when they came to look at Jericho and they promised her they would save her family and all in her house. Joshua insists that they keep their promise. By saving Rahab and her family, they saved one of Jesus’ ancestors. A prostitute in Jesus’ family tree! This proves God can use any of us for his purposes. Thanks be to God! 

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for always keeping your promises to us. Thank you for Rahab, who protected the spies from harm. Thank you for Jesus! Amen

Dannie Vaughn