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Friday, December 8, 2023: 2 Samuel 7:8-11—Faith of Our Fathers

Friday, December 8, 2023: 2 Samuel 7:8-11—Faith of Our Fathers

“I took you …, to be leader over my people Israel. I’ve been with you wherever you’ve gone … The Lord declares to you that the Lord will make a dynasty for you.”

2 Samuel 7:8b-9a, 11b

This chapter in 2 Samuel is the first of three Biblical references to the prophet Nathan. Nathan was David’s confidant and moral guide. In this middle section of Chapter 7 the Lord speaks to David, through Nathan, stating the Lord raised David up to bring the tribes of Israel together and provide a place for God’s people. God’s vision and promise is for a place that Israel can call home and a dynasty that will come from David’s descendants, leading to the birth of Jesus. This covenant with David is unconditional, grounded in God’s purpose.

Geraldine Brooks historical fiction book The Secret Chord is about David’s reign as King as told by the prophet Nathan. While many aspects of the book added components of fiction I wondered about, Brooks did a nice job of portraying David as a man who grew in his faith as his life progressed. This quote from the book stood out to me as I read the scripture for today. “He (David) now thought beyond the span of years, and into a future that glistened ahead into centuries. It’s one thing, I suppose, to have a prophet tell you that you will found a dynasty. Now, it seemed, he allowed himself to truly believe it.”

As we go through this Advent how might we grow in our faith as David did, share our faith story and believe in the unconditional promises that God will be with us wherever we go?

Prayer: Dear Lord God, three things I pray: to see Thee more clearly, love Thee more dearly, follow Thee more nearly.1 Amen

Susan Mobley

1 https://www.songlyrics.com/godspell/day-by-day-lyrics/