United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Saturday, July 29

Saturday, July 29

Saturday, July 29

Throughout the months of June and July, our daily devotions will be invitations to pray, perhaps in familiar ways and sometimes in new ways. This week, we will explore a practice of praying throughout the day, adding one additional time of day to our prayer practice each day. In addition to Praising God When You Wake, Asking God to Be Present at the Beginning of Your Day’s Work, Turning Your Focus Outward During Lunchtime, Praying for Calm in the Mid-Afternoon, Pausing in the Late Afternoon, add Reflect at Bedtime. “Ask God to guide you as you review your day. Be in conversation with God throughout this process.

Give thanks for the day, asking God to show you that day’s blessings.
Review the day, lingering on the significant moments. Continue thanking God for the gifts you find. Pause on the difficult moments and stop to ask forgiveness from God. Sense God’s healing mercy washing over you. With what you’ve learned in this time, ask God to show you new ways to respond tomorrow. Ask God’s blessing on the day that happened and on your rest throughout the night.”1 Close by praying a portion of Psalm 119.


I worship you

    with all my heart.

Don’t let me walk away

    from your commands.

I treasure your word

    above all else;

it keeps me from sinning

    against you.

I praise you, Lord!

    Teach me your laws.

With my own mouth,

I tell others the laws

    that you have spoken.

Obeying your instructions

brings as much happiness

    as being rich.

I will study your teachings

    and follow your footsteps.

I will take pleasure

in your laws

    and remember your words.
                             Psalm 119: 10-16 (CEV)

1Pray the Day from vibrantchurchcommunications.com

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