United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Thursday, July 6

Thursday, July 6

Thursday, July 6

This week, as we continue our focus on prayer this summer, we are going to pray our way through a hymn.  “This Is My Song,” is found in our Glory to God hymnal.  It’s a powerful hymn to sit with this week around the July 4th holiday.  It was written between WWI and WWII and focuses around the theme of international peace.  Each day this week I will pair some of the hymn with a prayer from different voices I have encountered in my own devotional space.  I hope this hymn and these prayers connect with you this week.

“My country’s skies are bluer than the ocean, and sunlight beams on clover leaf and pine.  But other lands have sunlight too, and clover, and skies are everywhere as blue as mine.”

“Blessed are we, beginning to feel some release
from the crippling fear we’ve grown
far too accustomed to,
from the drawn-out season of anxious vigilance,
from the boredom and frustration of plans deferred.
Winter’s long frost is over.
New ground has appeared,
and paths too we didn’t know were there.
Blessed are we who need help waking up to
the music, the movement,
and the color of living,
who need help trying on joy for a change.
The wonder of the daffodil,
the mystery and power of the tiniest seed,
cracked open and sprouting new life,
reaching, in its own time, toward the light.


Blessed are we who say, Wake me too, God.
Put me where beauty and love can reach me.
I’m ready for something new.”  Amen.

-Kate Bowler

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