United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Sunday, June 18

Sunday, June 18

Sunday, June 18

Child of love, our love’s expression,
love’s creation, loved indeed!
Fresh from God, refresh our spirits,
into joy and laughter lead.1

“Children bring hope in the midst of all of life’s situations…When we see a child, full of joy and laughter, energy and optimism, hope surges within us, because a child is a symbol of the realm of God.”2 When my father died of a heart attack at the age of 61, my world turned upside down. I felt lost and alone. But I had a four-year-old and a one-year-old at home who loved me even in the midst of my grief. When I felt as if all hope was lost, they brought me a book to read, smiled, and gave me a hug. Through their boundless energy, joy, and love, I was reminded that death is not the end, that as Christians we believe in the promise of resurrection and new life. Many years later, I still miss my daddy. At the same time, I am grateful that he continues to live in my memory and that I can share those memories with my children, knowing that we will be reunited in a time to come.

On this Sabbath day, notice the children at church or wherever you find yourself today. How can they be a spiritual guide and mentor for you? Pray that God will grant you the faith, grace, joy and hope of a little child.

1 Child of Blessing, Child of Promise. Glory to God Hymnal # 486, Verse 2.

2Cloyd, Betty Shannon. Children and Prayer. Upper Room Books, 1997.

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