United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Saturday, June 17

Saturday, June 17

Saturday, June 17

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. Romans 8:14

“Children bring into our midst the very spirit of God…Children are a means of grace, for the spirit of God reveals itself to us through them.”1 Think about all the deep questions that children ask, usually right at bedtime. Children have a deep connection to God and are often willing to share it with us. What a gift! Pray today this prayer written by a young child:

“This is a prayer to someone who knows how to help and I am talking to you. All I need to say is thank you for friends and family. They give us love and that is like God giving us love. But what I am aiming at is anti-bullying, and all I want is for people to be friends. Thanks for listening and please think about what I have said. Amen.”2

1Cloyd, Betty Shannon. Children and Prayer. Upper Room Books, 1997.

2 Emma’s Prayer, https://www.allhallowsprimary.co.uk/childrens-prayer-page/

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