United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Thursday, June 15

Thursday, June 15

Thursday, June 15

Today is the last day of Unity’s VBS. I am confident that our children have grown in their faith this week. I am also confident that our children have taught our adults a thing or two. Adults tend to miss holy moments on a regular basis. However, children are good at pointing out the holy in our lives. As we age, we can easily become blind to the working of the Holy Spirit. “Children call us back to the holy, helping us to be conscious of the precious, present moment.”1

Take a walk in your neighborhood, around your office, at the grocery store, or wherever you find yourself today. Instead of walking as quickly as you can, focusing only on picking up dinner for tonight or getting to your meeting on time, walk more slowly, quiet your body and your mind. Walk with intention and notice what and who is around you. Pay attention to where God is at work in your everyday life and praise God for this precious, present moment.

1Cloyd, Betty Shannon. Children and Prayer. Upper Room Books, 1997.

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