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through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Thursday, March 2: Scripture – Genesis 9:13

Thursday, March 2: Scripture – Genesis 9:13

Thursday, March 2: Scripture – Genesis 9:13

13 I have set my bow in the clouds, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.

Prayer Focus: The bow in the clouds is the sign of the covenant between God and the earth. Note two things about this verse. We see the rainbow and often consider its beauty. Do not lose the wonder of the rainbow when you read the next sentence. The ancients saw the bow as a weapon of the gods – like a bow and arrow. So God setting the bow in the clouds was the sign that God will not be using it as a weapon against the earth any more. Yes, it is a sign (and this is the second thing) of God’s covenant with the entire earth. God is not an enemy. God’s sign is a sign of peace. Pray that you might rest in the peace God makes with you and the world today.

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