United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Thursday, January 26: Scripture – Micah 6:1-2

Thursday, January 26: Scripture – Micah 6:1-2

Thursday, January 26: Scripture – Micah 6:1-2

1 Hear what the Lord says:

Rise, plead your case before the mountains,

and let the hills hear your voice.

2 Hear, you mountains, the case of the Lord,

and you enduring foundations of the earth,

for the Lord has a case against his people,

and he will contend with Israel.

Prayer Focus: Our second scripture for this week comes from the prophet Micah. Perhaps you know the verses that end this text, but the context is important as well. The prophet speaks on behalf of the Lord when he cries out, “Hear what the Lord says.” The call is to a courtroom so that the Lord can present a case against God’s chosen people. The mountains and the foundations of the earth will serve as the jury. How do you envision this case will go? Pray for those who feel that the Lord has a case against them. Pray that they (and you) might know that the judge is also the redeemer.

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