United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Monday, December 26: Scripture – Isaiah 61:1a

Monday, December 26: Scripture – Isaiah 61:1a

Monday, December 26: Scripture – Isaiah 61:1a

1 The spirit of the Lord God is upon me,

because the Lord has anointed me;

Prayer Focus: On this day after Christmas, we begin to look to the end of the calendar year and the beginning of a new year. Jackson Ringly chose the scripture texts that we’ll follow this week as we prepare to hear his sermon on Sunday. The spirit of the Lord God is upon me. Do you feel the spirit of the Lord with you today? Can you recognize the ways God has claimed you and your life? Pray that you might be open to the spirit of the Lord this week. Allow your heart and your mind to be moved in new and life transforming ways!

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