United in Christ’s love, we glorify God
through worship, nurture, and service to all people.

Monday, July 11: Scripture – Genesis 8:6-7

Monday, July 11: Scripture – Genesis 8:6-7

Monday, July 11: Scripture – Genesis 8:6-7

6 At the end of forty days Noah opened the window of the ark that he had made

7 and sent out the raven, and it went to and fro until the waters were dried up from the earth.

Prayer Focus: The next biblical image that we will explore for the Holy Spirit is “dove.” We begin this week with a text from Genesis. Due to the great wickedness of humanity, God opened the heavens and the deeps to return the earth to a pre-creation like chaos. Noah, his family, and the animals he gathered have been floating above the waters in an ark constructed at God’s instruction and design. At the end of forty days, the rains had stopped, so Noah opened the window of the ark and he sent out the raven. The raven did not return. Perhaps it welcomed freedom? Perhaps it survived off the corpses of drowned animals? But it did not return. Pray for those who flee from safety and do not return. Pray that they might know they are always welcome to come home.

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